
Case Study 

Case studies clarify the objective and method of a specificfeature.

A case study research can be single or multiple case studies, involves quantitative proof, depends on various sources of proof and advantages from previous growth of theoretical proposals.

Step 1 - Develop and write your case study using the information gathered throughout the procedures of studies, interviews and evaluation.

  • Include at least four parts in your case research: an introduction, background information explaining why the case study was produced, presenting results and a conclusion that obviously introduces all the data and references.
  • The introduction should set the stage very obviously. In a detective story, the crime occurs right at the start and the detective has to bring together the data to fix it for the remainder of the tale. In a situation, you can begin by asking a question. You could quote somebody you interviewed.
  • You should give feasible alternatives at the end of your study, but do not worry about solving the case itself. You may discover that referring to statements made by some interviewees will do the alluding for you. Let the reader leave with a complete understanding of the issue, but try to come up with their own willingness to alter it. Feel free to leave the reader with a query, forcing them to think for themselves.

Step 2 – Add references and annexes (if any)

  • Just like in any other journal, reference your sources. That's why you received first and foremostreliable ones. And if you have any data about the research but would have disrupted the body's flow, include it now.
  • You may have conditions that would be difficult for other cultures to comprehend. If this is the event, include it in the Instructor's Appendix or Note.

Step 3 – Making additions and deletions.

  • As your job is forming, you will realize that it may morph into an item that you would not have expected otherwise. If it does so, create additions and deletions as required. You may discover that data that you once believed was no longer relevant. Or vice versa.
  • Go through section by section of your research, but also as a whole. Each data point has to fit into both the location and the work as a whole. Stick it in the appendix if you can't find a suitable location for something.

Step 4 – Editing and reviewing your job.

  • Look for minute revisions now that your paper has been formulated. Correct any mistakes in grammar, spelling and punctuation as usual, but also maintain an eye out for flow and transition. Is everything as effectively as possible positioned and worded?
  • You may have become indifferent to the mistakes it has seen 100 times. Another set of eyes may also notice material that has been left open or is otherwise confusing.

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