
Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation: Connecting Marketing with Sales.

Krystal Communication Inc offers an easy-to-use email marketing tool designed for next generation marketers. This integrated platform allows creating contact lists from our 140 million permission-based business contacts and run top notch end-to-end email campaigns, all on the same platform.

  • End-to-End Campaign: 360 Campaigner is an end-to-end campaign platform where you can create contacts, launch campaigns and get results, all at one go.
  • Multiple Databases Integration: Evidence that the organization exists takes this further by providing clear guidance on divisions, multiple site operations, a sense of personality, key people, roles and responsibilities, and more.
  • Multiple APIs: All API related issues are sorted out by providing multiple APIs. Three advantages owing to this are: Running prospecting campaigns, Launching campaigns to huge databases making use of multiple APIs and Launching different campaigns with different APIs
  • Multi-channel Marketing: The 360 Campaigner platform is designed to send campaigns via emails, mobile, and social media channels to drive the sales process and develop meaningful relationships with prospects and customers.
  • Personalized URLs: Clients can run campaigns using personalized URLs like ‘clientname.kyrstalcampaigner.com’.
  • Cost-effective: Though amazingly featured, Krystal Communication Inc does not burn the clients’ pockets.
  • Personalization as per User: Based on the pricing plan opted by the client, we give rights to the client, create users and distribute credits. The client also has authority to replace the logo of Krystal Communication Inc with the logo of their brand. By doing so, the client can showcase the tool as their own.

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