
How Can I Start Sending Bulk Emails ?

To start sending bulk email you need 4 things:

1. Bulk Email Software:  

We have very user-friendly and advanced bulk mailing software will all the above features; you can purchase the bulk email software from us.

2. SMTP Server, that support bulk emailing: 

It is the most important think for bulk emailing
You need to configure an SMTP server in the back-end of our software; the SMTP server must support bulk emailing (the volume you need to send). In most cases your SMTP server (if you have one like smtp.yourdomainname.com) not supports bulk emailing. In this case you can hire a third-party SMTP server that support bulk emailing.

We are providing a fully dedicated STMP server for bulk emailing;you can hire this server from us.

3. Email Database:  

You need to import data(email IDs) from your local PC to the software, in our software you can import data from excel or text(notepad) files. You can import fields like name,company name; place etc… along with each email ID and it can be used in email content by using the personalization or email merge option.
We are not providing any kind of database for bulk emailing; you need to prepare the database .

4. Content or Matter for the email campaign:

You can send simple text email or highly attractive HTML emails with our software, for sending HTML email you need to prepare an HTML email flyer and need to keep all the images on a web server. For this you need to know the basics of web designing and hosting.
If have a separate wing for providing professional Email flyer designing service, you can contact us for this kind of services.

Benefit of our Bulk Mailing Software:

Personalization - Personalize your bulk emails.

Our Mass Mailing software can be used to send out personalized group emails. E-mailer Campaign supports unlimited custom database-fields for personalization.. Personalization makes a newsletter or bulk emails more personal.

e.g."Dear James" is much better than"Dear Customer". You can insert the personal information to anywhere in the Message Body and Subject line.

Subscribe and Unsubscribe Facility - Manage your Bulk Mailing Subscription 

With our bulk mailing software you can properly manage the subscription and un-subscription request properly.Every mail sending from our bulk mail software contains one un-subscription link. If someone want to un-subscribe your bulk email, he can simply do that by clicking on the un-subscription link shown in the bottom side of your bulk email message.

Bounce Email Management - Bounce Management for mass mailing

when you send large amount of emails, lots of emails getting bounced with a number of reasons like invalid email ID,inbox full etc...
Our Mass Mailing Software can properly handle all the bounced bulk emails, you will get a report of bounced email IDs and you can remove those ID from your bulk mailing list.

Email Read / Email Open Report - You can track your bulk mailing response 

From our bulk mailing software you will get a detailed report of how many people reading your bulk email messages. This report helps you analyze the efficiency of your bulk email marketing.

Click Tracking Reports - Track the Visits to your Website from bulk mailing 

One of the most advanced feature of our bulk mailing software is you will get a detailed report of how many people are visiting your website or other URLs from the bulk emails that you send from our bulk mailing software. This report gives you a better understating about your bulk email marketing .

HTML Mailing-Send HTML Based Bulk Emails or Newsletters
By using our Mass Mailing Software's HTML mailing facility you can send bulk emails in your Letter Head format or you can send Highly Attractive Marketing Flyers and News Letters. You can insert the personal information to any where in the Message Body and Subject line.

Internal WYSIWYG rich-text (HTML) Editor

Our Bulk Mailing Software has a built-in rich-text HTML editor for creating beautiful HTML and Text newsletter messages. The internal editor contains different sections for HTML,Preview and HTML source-code. Its also possible to import HTML files from an external HTML editor and add multiple file attachments.

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