
Last updated on November 11, 2021

We use cookies

Our website, krstalcommunication.com intends to use cookies to uniquely identify you from other visitors of our website. The process guides us in providing us a variety of functions like authorizing us to remember certain information about you and your navigation between the pages and services offered by us. This enables you with a good browsing experience. It will also add values for us in improving our website interface. With your consent, the cookies are enabled in our marketing communications such as emails in reaching you, which in turn will help us in reviewing our interaction in marketing and trying to make it more user-friendly.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that gets placed in the memory of your browser or device (Computer, Mobile, Tablet) when you visit a website. These cookies allow the website to recognize the particular browser or device.

Why do we need a Cookie?

  • In providing better services by authenticating you on our website.
  • To track you, based on the information provided.
  • Remembering your preferences on the visit.
  • Improvising the website by gauging your usage of our websites.

What can a Cookie not do?

The cookie does not take the personal details of the users or their login details but just merely identifies the device accessed by the user.

To know more about cookies, www.AboutCookies.org

We want you to be acquainted of the Cookies we use for our website

  • Mandatory Cookies-These cookies are necessary for the operation of our website under our terms with you. This cookie enables you to log into secure areas of our website, such as to use a shopping cart.
  • Logical Cookies-These cookies are for legitimate purposes to improve in tracking our website working. This cookie also allows us to count and recognize the user’s movements in our website.
  • Performance Cookies-These cookies identifies you when you revisit our website. This enables us to personalise our content by remembering your preferences to serve you better.
  • Focused cookies-These cookies records and tracks your visits on the pages you visited. It enhances the information about your choices and preferences in displaying the relevant content of your interests.

Find some more information about the cookies that we use

  • PHPSESSID: It contains a reference to a session stored on the web server which expires when you close your browser.
  • _ga:  Traffic sources and user counts can be tracked.
  • _gat_UA-*-*:This counts the user visits and traffic sources.
  • _gid:  Tracks a unique value for each page visit, stores and updates.
  • __utmv*: This is a cookie set by Google Analytics to analyse visitor information.
  • _mkto_trk: Tracks your usage on our Site.
  • cookies-law: Tracks the consent to the usage of cookies while viewing our website.
  • visitor_id*:Cookie that tracks the activities of the visitor and prospects set by Pardot stores.
  • visitor_id*-hash: Cookie used to assign a randomly generated number as a client identifier set  by Pardot.
  • incap_ses_*_*:These filters out malicious requests, by first party cookies are setting  by a third party service.
  • visid_incap_*_*:These filters out malicious requests, by first party cookies are setting  by a third party service.
  • ip2location_redirection_first_visit: This provides information on a visitor’s location IP2Location.

Do our cookies have an expiry date?

Yes, except for strictly mandatory cookies, our entire site cookie expires at a specific date or a specific length of time (approximately 2 years). They can also be reset at reaching a specific time.

Can I disable cookies?

Yes, but not recommended, if you disable our cookies, our website may not operate properly.

How do I disable the Cookies?

Each browser is different and has its own methods of disabling the cookies. Please find the procedure below to disable your cookies.

Blocking cookies in Internet Explorer 11

Click and select the gear in the upper-right corner of the screen, and find Internet Options. Or choose from Menu Bar if enabled, select Tools from the Internet Options

  • Select the “Privacy” tab.
  • Click the “Advanced” button. You will find “First-party Cookies” and “Third-party Cookies“, Select Block option to block cookies.
  • Click “OK”.

Blocking Cookies in Google Chrome

  • Select the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
  • Go to Settings.
  • Select and click on Show advanced settings.
  • Find Privacy section; click to find the Content settings
  • In the Cookies section, select your option.

Blocking Cookies in Firefox

  • Select and click the menu button and choose Options.
  • Select the Privacy panel.
  • Go to Firefox Will, to find custom settings click History.
  • Unclick it to disable

Blocking Cookies Opera 6.0

  • Select Tools
  • Find Preferences...
  • Go to the advanced tab, and go to the cookie
  • Delete new
  • Click

We provide you with any other help

In case, if you have not set your permissions, we may also individually prompt users regarding usage of cookies on the site.

Use the email below to contact us for any information about our cookie policy.


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